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Alsteroids 2 | Marauder

backbone controller

Game Description

From the makers of The Invaders and Alsteroids comes this new retro arcade classic... Alsteroids 2 | MARAUDER FEATURES: + Glorious Retro Vector Graphics + 7 Power-ups + Boss Fights + 80's Moroder Inspired Soundtrack + Gamepad Support + Ion iCade Support + Fluid Arcade Action + No In-game Ads + Local and Global High Scores + It's Free! STORY On returning from testing the Hyper Jump functionality of your prototype fighter, you discover that your planet has been reduced to asteroids by the Marauder. With nothing left to live for, you decide to jump the 20 light years to destroy the Marauders home planet of Irata. Your space ship can only jump 1 light year at a time so you will face 20 waves of asteroid strewn space wastes and the star forces of the marauder. However, fear not, your prototype fighter has been designed to be upgraded so you can unlock and pick up power-ups. Better yet you can string multiple power-ups together for devastating fire power. HOW TO PLAY Your objective is simple - stay alive as long as possible by shooting and avoiding wave after wave of asteroids ... your reward: a high score and bragging rights on the Game Center leader boards. Your ship can be rotated through 360 degrees and can fire photon torpedoes. Large asteroids can be broken into two medium size ones, which in turn can be shot into two smaller ones. A wave is over when all asteroids have been cleared. Beware of the saucers! The large type are easy to hit and fire inaccurately, the smaller saucers are a different story... they move faster, are harder to hit and also become devastatingly accurate as the game progresses. You can use your ships thrusters to move out of the way of an incoming asteroid. Be careful of thrusting too much as there is no inertia in space and you will have to correct your trajectory to stop! If you find yourself in a no-win situation, you can hit Hyperspace - this will transport your ship to a random position on screen. Hyperspace is a dangerous option as your ship can transported into an asteroid.
Game Details

Backbone 玩家焦點時刻

透過 Backbone,玩家能以 1080p (60fps) 的視訊品質錄製、編輯和分享遊戲畫面。來看看 Backbone 玩家近期的焦點時刻吧。
backbone controller支援控制器
Alsteroids 2 | Marauder支援 Backbone One 等控制器。

使用 Backbone One 暢玩您最喜歡的遊戲

Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器以 3/4s 傾角朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
將您的手機變成終極遊戲主機。嵌入即可暢玩任何遊戲或支援控制器的服務,包括 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate、Apple Arcade 等服務,甚或直接從您的 Xbox、PlayStation 或 PC 串流。 無需充電,無需等待更新,無單調乏味的設定。瞬間揭開行動遊戲的新世界。