backbone controller


MazePseudo screenshots
MazePseudo screenshots
MazePseudo screenshots

Game Description

Bugs. There are bugs in the computer. No, not those kinds of bugs. These bugs crawl. Well, that is what the boss says. The boss laughed after that, almost as if that was not the whole truth. The computer core is smaller than you can see with your human eye. This is your remote control app. With it you can move around the computer core using the left hand control. The right hand control releases a ball that captures bugs. Be careful of the balls. If you touch them, you will loose a charge. If you run out of charges, then your work shift is over. As long as you have charges, your viewer will be placed in a random location inside the computer core. There are also holes in the computer core that are allowing the bugs to come in. The boss pays a bonus for using a ball to plug one of the holes. Once you completely clear a core, you will move to the next core. The boss also thought it would be entertaining to occasionally send several of us in at the same time. Just to keep us on our toes, hitting a coworker with a ball nets you extra points. Multiplayer only works with others in your local wi-fi area.
Game Details
backbone controller支援控制器
MazePseudo支援 Backbone One 等控制器。

使用 Backbone One 暢玩您最喜歡的遊戲

Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器以 3/4s 傾角朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
將您的手機變成終極遊戲主機。嵌入即可暢玩任何遊戲或支援控制器的服務,包括 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate、Apple Arcade 等服務,甚或直接從您的 Xbox、PlayStation 或 PC 串流。 無需充電,無需等待更新,無單調乏味的設定。瞬間揭開行動遊戲的新世界。