Game Description
Welcome to the new Asdivine and get ready as a tale about divine encounters with mankind and mankind's encounters with the divine is about to unfold...
An Adventure of Divine Proportions!
Among the many worlds the deities have created, there is one world that abounds with life known as Asdivine. But when a spate of disturbances erupts across the globe and an ever spreading murk threatens to destroy it, Izayoi, the deity of Asdivine himself, takes up his cause to save the world he created with his own hands. Unfortunately, suffering from a loss of his own divine powers, is there any hope he can he succeed? Find out as the curtain raises on this adventure of divine proportions!
Game Details
Compatibilidad con el controlador | Sí |
Popular en Backbone
Ver todos los juegosCompatible con controladores
Asdivine Dios es compatible con controladores, incluido el Backbone One.
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